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Director Team

Dil Jayasinghe

Executive Director

she/her | Human Biology | junior

Hello!! My name is Dil and I am the executive director for Spartan Support Network! My position entails the functioning of the whole organization. I became a part of SSN in my sophomore year and I have loved it ever since then. SSN has become a big part of my life and I’m incredibly grateful and excited for this new opportunity! Outside of SSN, I play 7 different instruments and I am also a competitive dancer! 

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Director of Leader Development

Avery Evans

she/her | Biology Laboratory Studies | senior

Hello! I'm Avery, and I'm the Director of Leader Development. I am responsible for training our SSN Leaders and presenting important mental health topics as well as techniques/resources our Leaders can use to best support our student members. I joined SSN to get out of my comfort zone and to meet new people! The basis of SSN being a place where people are actively supporting and looking out for you physically, mentally, and emotionally was a great hook for me. Since then, I've made fantastic friends and had lots of fun experiences with SSN. In my free time, I love to mountain bike, paint, cook/bake, and jam out on the ukulele with my friends!! 

Sydney Savage

Director of Operations

she/her | Psychology & Creative Writing | senior

Hi, I'm Sydney, and I'm the Director of Operations; my role is to help with money, check-in and help out other directors, and overall just make sure everything is organized and running smoothly. I run the website and other technologies for SSN. SSN is a great resource for anyone passionate about mental health and anyone wanting to meet new people! Anyone, no matter their major or background, can benefit from this experience. I myself am a mental health advocate and novelist. I work as a Mental Health Assistant through LCCMH, work with youth in the juvenile court system as part of the Adolescent Diversion Program, write and edit for Her Campus magazine, run a book club, and am a leader for the MSU Peer Body Project. I'm studying to be a social worker and specialize in health and wellness. I give presentations about the media's impact on eating disorders and have written novels on such topics. In my free time, I love running, hanging out with friends, writing, advocating, and volunteering! Don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to get anyone connected to amazing mental health resources and inclusive environments! :)


Anuja Sudarshan

Director of Programming

she/her | Political Science | junior

I'm the director of programming for SSN. I'm in charge of planning fundraisers, our monthly kickback Friday events, leader bonding events and anything else we decide to plan for the school year. I'm really excited to plan events centered around our students at MSU and creating a relaxing open-minded environment on campus. I'm a junior with a political science major and gender studies minor. In my free time I enjoy thrifting, writing, trying new boba shops and hanging out with my co-op housemates

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Justin St. Charles, LMSW



In addition to serving as the advisor for SSN, I am one of the University’s Strategic Retention Managers within the Office of the Provost, Undergraduate Education. My primary role is identifying and removing barriers to student retention at the policy, institutional, and direct student support levels to meet MSU’s strategic goal of an 86% graduation rate with no opportunity gaps by 2030. I am a clinically-licensed social worker with a background in student mental health, substance use, relationship violence, and grief and bereavement, as well as a doctoral student in the Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education (HALE) program at Michigan State University.


​I believe that SSN is a benefit to students because there is a special bond that exists for those who are considered peers. Empathy is probably one of the most powerful tools to support one another and having shared identities (including being MSU students) helps others feel that they are not alone.

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